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8 Common Myths About Dental Fillings

Globally, around 2.3 billion people suffer from tooth decay in matured teeth, making dental fillings the most needed dental treatment. To take care of a cavity, the dentists will take the decayed part out and apply the filling to seal it. Furthermore, fillings are also used to repair cracked and broken teeth.

Have you heard stories about fillings that make you feel uneasy about getting it done? Allow us to set those thoughts aside by presenting you with the facts.

Myth #1- Cavities Always Cause Pain

This statement is false as a person may have a lot of cavities and not feel a thing. The symptoms of cavities are only fully visible to an individual when it infects the pulp area or the tips of the roots.

Myth #2- The Process Of Dental Filling Is Extremely Painful

This statement was true in the nineteenth century, but the modern use of nitrous oxide and local anesthetics allows the dental procedure to be painless. Metal amalgam fillings have been replaced with tooth-colored composite as the composite is safer and looks like a real tooth.

Myth#3- If There Is No Decay And No Pain, Then The Treatment Can Wait

A cavity always starts slowly and gradually. Once it latches onto your tooth, it starts to eat your tooth by damaging the white enamel all the way to the roots. It is better to get it repaired and cleaned out right away to avoid tooth decay.

Myth #4- Teeth Fillings Last Forever

The fillings placed when you were a child need to be replaced in ten to fifteen years. They can leak or fall out while eating specific sticky items. You will need instant care after the filling falls out as it can create room for another cavity or spread infection.

Myth #5- Your Teeth May Appear Appalling After The Procedure

The metal fillings would darken the tooth after some time, but with medical advancement, dental composite was designed to appear in the same color as your tooth and make it look natural. The composite doesn't show discoloration of any kind.

Myth #6- Tooth Fillings Cause Health Issues

It is false as there is no damage to teeth found after composite fillings, as they are designed to be durable and resist fractures in teeth. The filling helps the tooth fight cavities and infections rather than causing them.

Myth #7- Silver Fillings Aren't Dangerous

This kind of filling contains mercury. Mercury generates a hazardous composite that can reach the brain and induce neurological consequences in patients. While these fillings aren't always toxic for adults, they can have significant neurological outcomes on a child's brain.

Myth #8: Kids Don't Need Dental Fillings

Many people assume that spending money to repair cavities in an infant's teeth is pointless because they'll eventually lose them. Cavities must be treated because they promote tooth decay, which can lead to serious health issues.

Cavities frequently cause pain and trouble chewing, affecting a child's overall health. Cavities should always be filled, especially in baby teeth, for these reasons.

You may be nervous about getting a dental filling. The dentist at Waterfront Family Dentistry uses the best tooth filling materials and modern technological advancements in dentistry to ensure your tooth filling procedure is comfortable. We also offer services like teeth cleaning and wisdom tooth extraction. Get in touch today to set up an appointment.

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