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3 Ways Hormonal Activity Can Affect Women’s Dental Health

Women’s dental health is more susceptible to changes in hormone levels. This is because of the two main female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. They increase the blood flow to gums and make them more sensitive and reactive. High hormone levels increase plaque and bacteria levels in the mouth which can cause the gums to swell and even start bleeding. If the condition is left untreated, it can lead to even more severe tooth loss and decay. Here are some ways hormonal activities can affect women’s dental health. 


Puberty is a time when hormonal activity fluctuates rapidly. The increase in hormone levels can cause your gums to become red, swollen, and start bleeding. The over-sensitivity of gums to plaque at this time may make them susceptible to periodontal disease. During this time canker sores are also quite likely to develop, but they will likely heal on their own.


Your hormone levels fluctuate before your monthly period starts. This is the time when you’re more likely to develop swollen and bleeding gums and canker sores. The salivary glands can also be affected and become swollen. The condition stops after your menstruation ends. In case your symptoms don’t subside even after your period has ended, you should consult your dentist as it may be pointing to another problem. 


Pregnancy is a major time for hormonal levels to be in hyper-drive, and this significantly impacts dental health. A common disease that can develop during this time is known as pregnancy gingivitis in which gums can become red, sore, and tender. It’s most likely to occur between the second and eighth months of pregnancy. Consult your doctor on what medications you can take to alleviate the condition. It’s also important to be vigilant about your dental care routine at this time. Brush and floss daily and be on top of your overall body care.

When it comes to dental health, prevention is the best cure. Vitamin supplements may help replenish your immune system, but you should take them after consultation with your doctor. Hygiene habits are crucial too; use fluoride toothpaste, and floss regularly.

Making regular appointments with your dentist is advised. Visit the Waterfront Family dentistry to avail preventative dentistry and other dental services in Frisco. Call 972-987-4343 to book your appointment.


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