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3 Oral Health Consequences of Smoking

It is a known fact that smoking weakens the body’s immunity. Smoking impacts your body’s ability to fight off microbes and exposes it to a multitude of health complications, in the short-term as well as the long-term. People often pick smoking as a recreational habit, but they cannot break it once it actually does become a habit. As a result, their lungs and the rest of their organs suffer. This is also true for their teeth.

The chemicals from smoke directly weaken the gums' attachment with jaws, causing tooth weakening. Besides, smoking restricts the blood flow towards gum tissues, making wound healing incredibly hard. So, regardless of what you smoke and how frequently you do so, you expose your body to irreparable damage.

Here are some ways smoking impacts your oral health.

Bad Breath

In scientific terms, bad breath is also known as halitosis. It’s an oral health condition that causes one’s breath to smell. It is a highly embarrassing experience and one of the significant consequences of smoking. Studies confirm that 80% of people who smoke regularly suffer from instances of bad breath. The latter study further deduced that dry mouth is also linked with bad breath.

Gum Diseases

Gum disease is an infection that targets the gum and weakens the attachment of bones with the gums. The prospects of gum diseases are double-folded due to smoking. The tobacco present in cigarettes damages the bonding between gums and teeth. As a result, gums become susceptible to frequent infections. In addition to that, smoking also hampers the body’s ability to repair wounds, so healing from infections becomes difficult.

Tooth Loss

As mentioned above, smoking weakens the attachment between teeth and the gums, thereby adversely impacting the root strength. As a result, teeth start to fall off. But with proper medication and quitting smoking can slow down tooth loss.

If you are looking for dental services in Frisco, Texas, consider us at Waterfront Family Dentistry. We offer advanced dental procedures, including general dentistry, pediatric, wisdom tooth removal, and more.

For more information, get in touch with us.


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