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Cosmetic Dentistry: The Procedures Involved

Nothing lights up a face like a smile; this simple movement of facial muscles transforms your entire look. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on creating a beneficial change to one of the essential features of your face.

Cosmetic Dentistry

A common misconception regarding cosmetic dentistry is that it only serves the purpose of improving the look of your teeth. In reality, most cosmetic procedures are done for restorative purposes. This includes treatment of teeth that are either affected naturally or due to some external infliction.

Cosmetic dental procedures range from simple, one-time procedures to complex restoration techniques.


Clear aligners or Invisalign are “invisible braces”; a step-up from the conventional orthodontics to straighten out crooked of crowned teeth.

Composite bonding

Bonding is a popular treatment for decayed or damaged teeth as it involved directly filling or “bonding” a tooth enamel-like material into the affected area, and then sculpting the material so that it resembles the shape of your original tooth.

Composite bonding is one of the inexpensive procedures to treat teeth afflicted by bacterial decay, as well as recreate cracked or chipped teeth.

Dental Veneers

cosmetic dentistry services

Porcelain veneers are manufactured from thin porcelain pieces, customized specifically to look like the patient’s own teeth. The veneers are applied using dental adhesive. They look quite natural compared to the normal teeth, and are just as strong as natural enamel. Veneers are also more color-retaining and stable than dental bonding.

An alternative to porcelain in veneers is “No-Prep” veneers – the allotted name highlighting that fact that unlike porcelain veneers, these are crafted out of ceramic and require minimal to no cut-down of natural enamel surface.


Dentures are removable additions for replacement of teeth, attached to soft gum-colored base material. Dentures either are complete or partial;

  • Complete dentures are designed for when all teeth are missing,

  • Partial dentures are used when only specific teeth in between need replacing.

One major drawback to dentures is that gums and teeth can reshape naturally over time, which prompts the need for frequent adjustment to retain facial structure, especially in case of partial dentures.


Dental implants are an ideal option to replace the roots after loss of teeth. A titanium screw inserted in the jaw at the site of the implant supports the crown. These implants look much like the surrounding teeth, and can last for several years as long as proper oral hygiene is practiced for prompt cleaning any food residue surrounding the site of the implant.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening (or bleaching) is one of the most common dental procedures. It is used to restore your teeth’s natural appearance once plaque and other debris are cleared out. Teeth bleaching can also be opted for whitening teeth to a lighter shade than the original color, or to treat any discoloration from factors such as smoking or food pigments.

If you are considering any cosmetic dental treatments, Waterfront Family Dentistry offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services; you can discuss your required procedure or alternative options with our experienced practitioners, or simply contact us for any concerns or queries.

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